Belghast’s Dominion was a third-person RPG I was creating during 2020, this was my first large independent project and had a lot of learning opportunities because of this. However, it also had a fairly large amount of problems with lack of preplanning, and lack of knowledge as how to create certain systems.

Built in Unity 2020.1.14f1

Built in 6 months. June 2020 - December 2020


  • Inventory System
  • Serialized Save Data System
  • Player and Enemy Levels
  • Different Enemy Types
  • Tweets


    Managing AI States. Early on in the development of Belghast’s Dominion I decided on using a Finite State Machine for controlling the enemy AI agents in each level, this provided an interesting challenge as it was my first time doing AI programming, overall the main challenges from this came from creating perception systems, and balancing the Ais attacks so they wouldn’t frustrate the player.

    Inventory. Developing the Inventory System for Belghast’s Dominion was a considerable challenge as it involved using a lot of new aspects of Unity’s UI system such as generating content based on item’s descriptions or using Unity’s dragging systems to enable the player to drag items around their inventory screens.